Our Lady of Peace Church

10950 Main St., Clarence, NY 14031 

716.759.8554 Rectory Office

Rectory Hours: 8:30AM-2:30 and Mon.-Thurs. and Fri. 12Noon


~Akron Clarence Roman Catholic Community~

Mass Times 

Saturday Vigil: 5:15pm         Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00am

Weekdays: Monday: 8:00am Tuesday-Thursday: 8:00am, Friday: 6:30am

Holy Day Vigil - Mass - 7PM 

Holy Day - 6:30AM, 8AM, and 12Noon 

Confessions: weekly on Sat 3:45-4:45pm


Eucharistic Adoration each Wednesday 7AM-6PM

The Holy Name Society will be in the church saying

Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet from 5:30 to 6PM.

All are welcome to pray! 






Come join us as we visit different regions of the world and taste the delicious wines and foods the areas are known for. New this year we will be also tasting beer from a local brewery! Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 28 at 6:00 and enjoy a night of wine/beer and food tastings. As always, there will be coffee and desserts to die for! Tickets will be $30 in advance and $35 at the door. There will also be wine, candy bar, basket and silent auctions.

We are accepting all donations of new items, including gift cards, financial donations, gift baskets and items to make baskets with. If you have wicker baskets, ribbons, etc. that you would like to get rid of, bring them to the Our Lady of Peace rectory and we will work our magic with them. If you would like to help, please call Nova Schlager at 716-442-5123. We will start selling tickets at the Corn Roast and then after each Mass.




Fr. Walt's Weekly Message

Click on Fr. Walt photo for weekly message

A Message from Fr. Walter


The question Jesus poses to his disciples in today’s Gospel he also poses to us:  Who do you say that I am? Every decision we make, every action we take proclaims who we believe Jesus is and what his Gospel means to us. Sometimes answering that question demands that we put aside our fears and self-importance to say to ourselves and our community, “You are the Christ whom God has sent to teach us his way of humble gratitude, joyful service, and just peace.” Our love for family and friends, our commitment to the highest moral standards, our willingness to take the first step toward reconciliation and forgiveness is our confession of faith in Jesus as the Love and Word of God incarnate.

Fr. Walt









Eucharistic Adoration

Every Wednesday, from 7AM-6PM 

O Come Let Us Adore Him!!

The Catechism quotes Pope John Paul II: "The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith, and open to making amends for the serious offenses and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease." (CCC, 1380)

Consider signing up for an hour to pray

before the Blessed Sacrament. 

Adorers are always welcome to stop in and

spend time with our Lord.



Formed is a Catholic online streaming service that provides movies, books, educational materials, documentaries, daily reflections, seasonal programs, lives of the saints, and so much more; all at no cost to our parishioners.

It is an amazing resource for our children, teens and adults that the Knights of Columbus and Holy Name members are proud to make available to everyone.

Many parishes throughout the country and in our own diocese, have made this program available to their communities and now we have it.

Use the links below to signup/view content.



Weekly Bulletin

Never miss a weekly bulletin!

Click here to subscribe to receive our weekly bulletin in your inbox.

Parish Mobile App

The WeConnect Parish App is available on Google's Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Apple App Store Link

Google Play Store Link

Our Mobile App | St. Joseph Catholic Church

You can easily receive messages; check the calendar, bulletins, daily readings; and make donations through the App. The App links to our Parish website.

Once you have downloaded the app, select Our Lady of Peace Parish. From the menu, go to Message Settings and toggle the switch to green to receive notifications from our Parish.

Sunday Obligation

The obligation to attend Holy Mass on the Lord’s Day is a sacred one. Anyone who is frail or at risk due to advanced age or medical conditions is always excused from this obligation.

However, those who are healthy and not at great risk, the presumption of the faithful should be that, unless they are at an enhanced risk, sick, or caring for others who are at risk or sick, are obligated to attend Sunday Mass.  

Click here to read the full Statement on a Return to Sunday Mass by the Roman Catholic Bishopsof the Upstate New York Dioceses of Buffalo, Ogdensburg, Rochester and Syracuse




Road to Renewal

The Diocese has embarked on a journey to optimize more fully parish and diocesan resources, and, importantly, increase the reach and impact of our varied ministries throughout Western New York.  See the Road to Renewal website for more information.

Our Lady of Peace RC Church, 10950 Main St., Clarence NY 14031