OLP Religious Education Guidelines


Registration forms are mailed at the end of June. Classes are from 8:55am - 9:55am on Sundays for grades K-10. Confirmation, Grade 11, class will be from 11:00am-12:00pm.  Forms may be mailed, dropped into the collection baskets at church with Religious Education written on them or brought directly to the Religious Education office at the rectory. All registration forms must be signed by a parent/guardian stating they have read the parents' Covenant Agreement, otherwise your child/ren will not be registered into our program.

If you are unable to pay due to a special circumstance, please call the Religious Education Office to request tuition assistance. All information will be kept in strictest confidence. NO CHILD WILL BE DENIED A RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BECAUSE OF INABILITY TO PAY. 



Grades K - 10 - $50.00               $100.00 Per Family of 2 or more students (Grades K - 10 ONLY)               Confirmation Candidates - $75.00 (Includes Retreat)




Keeping the safety of our children in mind, ALL children in grades K through Grade 3 must be dropped off and picked up by a parent/guardian/adult. Please arrive at least five minutes to the start of class. If an older sibling will be dropping off and picking up, please send a note to the teacher to inform her or him. NO child in grade Pre-K through 3 will be released from class unless a parent and/or older sibling is present to pick them up.

If another person besides parents and/or sibling is picking up the child, please make sure that the teacher knows this in advance. If possible, introduce the person picking up the child to the teacher before hand. Make sure the child can identify the person picking them up.

If there is a person you DO NOT want your child released to, please make sure the Director of Religious Education has this in writing so that it may be put in your child's file.

PLEASE NOTE:  The glass doors facing Davison Road will be locked at 9:00am, for the safety of our children and staff. They will be unlocked 5 minutes before the dismissal of class. If you are going to be late, please use the parish center doors upstairs facing Main Street to enter.



Notify the Religious Education office if your child has any food allergies we need to be aware of or if they have any special needs, so accommodations can be made to enhance the learning process.



Religious Education sessions are scheduled according to Diocesan Directives and your child/youth's presence is required. Students are allowed only FOUR absences throughout the year, unless seriously ill.  Your child may repeat his/her grade if absences are great. Children should bring a written excuse for any absence to the teacher. If you know your child/ren will not be in class, please call the Religious Education Office after 8:30am on Sunday morning to let the Coordinator know. A telephone call to you if your child is not in class will be forthcoming. This is a safety precaution to make sure he/she is accounted for.

If your child/ren will be attending another session, please call the office so the teacher may be notified in advance.



Homework and class assignments will be given at the discretion of the teacher. Reading and activity assignments done by your child should be checked to be sure all assignments are complete. Children may bring textbooks home, at parents' request.

Parents may audit classes at any time as long as prior arrangements have been made through the Religious Education office.



If you would like to speak directly to a teacher, please do so between classes or make an appointment, by either sending in a note or calling and leaving a message. Please DO NOT interrupt a class to talk to a teacher.



Students who take part in disrupting their class by having a lack of respect for their teacher and/or peers will receive a verbal warning from their teacher. If the disruption occurs again, the student will be asked to:


First Offense ~ Report to the office to speak directly with the Religious Education Director.

Second Offense ~ Report to the office and parents will be called. A conference will be set up between the parents, teacher and Director, immediately.

Third Offense ~ Director will call parent and student will be removed from the Religious Education Program.



Please be sure to keep on hand the calendar that is mailed home.  One is also included in the center of this book. All important dates are listed, as well as when we have off for holidays.




If we have to cancel Religious Education classes or any functions relating to Religious Education because of weather, power failure, etc., please listen to or watch:

WBEN 930 Radio     CHANNEL 2     CHANNEL 4     CHANNEL 7

Of course, parents' discretion is best. If you feel the weather is unfavorable to travel, please stay home. Please DO NOT call the parish office.



KINDERGARTEN ~God Asks Us to Care ~ The program opens children to the discovery of the goodness and beauty of God as reflected in their world. Children learn to celebrate many sings of God's love and to sense the loving presence of God.Required:Understanding of and the ability to make the Sign of the Cross


GRADE 1 ~Meeting God, Our Creator, Through Jesus ~ Children are introduced to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We help the children come to think of God in a personal way as they explore their world, themselves and the family of God.Required: Understanding and recitation of The Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory Be


GRADE 2 ~Meeting Jesus in Reconciliation ~ Your son/daughter are introduced to the sacraments with a special emphasis on Reconciliation. Beginning with a growing awaremenss of belonging, loving and being loved, the children become more sensitive to sin and the need for forgiveness. The Sacrament will be received in the spring. There will be a parent meeting in January.Required: Understand and recitation of the Act of Contrition


GRADE 3 ~Meeting Jesus in First Eucharist ~ This year helps children grow in friendship and love for Jesus and His family, the Church.  They are introduced to the principal parts of the Mass: The presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the partaking of the Eucharist. There will be a Commitment Mass in the fall that all students and parents are to participate in, followed immediately by a Parent Meeting in the church.  In the spring, parents and students of third grade ONLY are required to attend a Teaching Mass, where they will experience and learn about the Mass in detail and celebrate Eucharist as families of faith.  First Eucharist will be received in May on the Saturday before Mother's Day.


GRADE 4~ Living Our Faith; Living a Moral Life ~ The focus is on helping children grow in a moral and Christian life and to realize that Christian life is a life of love and giving. The text helps clarify our relationships with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It also helps us to understand why we need to respond to God's wishes as members of the community and the Church.  Required:  Understanding and recitation of the Ten Commandments and the Laws of the Catholic Church


GRADE 5 ~ Celebrating Jesus' Presence in the Sacraments ~ The emphasis is placed on the Sacraments of the Holy Church. The children learn what we celebrate through the seven sacraments and their importance in making us one with God and in the community of the Church.  Required: Understanding and recitation of the Sacraments


GRADE 6 ~ Salvation History - Old Testament ~ At this level, children become more sensitive to God's presence and His message for our contemporary world through a better understanding of the Old Testament. Children will gain a sense of their roots in the covenant made with the Jewish people, the covenant made through Jesus and lived today in the community of the Church.


GRADE 7 ~Jesus in the New Testament ~ Emphasis is on student relationships with Jesus as we believe in God's unique and personal love for each person. The nature and value of relationships with parents and peers are discussed. Emphasis is placed on maintaining a personal prayer life.


GRADE 8 ~Church History ~ Emphasis is on learning, reflecting and adopting a lifestyle deeply rooted in the basis of the Catholic Church.


GRADE 9 ~Morality: Choice and Responsibilities ~ Emphasis is on acquiring and understanding of the nature of morality and the challenge presented by the Gospel as a call to full appreciation of our own dignity and uniqueness and that of our neighbor. The nature and kinds of moral decisions youth must face are explored.


GRADE 10 ~Confirmation Preparation ~ Emphasis is on the rich traditions of the Bible, Catholic life, our friendship with Jesus, Hebrew Scriptures, Social Justice, Morality and New Testament.


GRADE 11 ~Confirmation ~ The students will meet in small groups for seven (7) weeks, which includes one week for retreat. There is also a rehearsal one week prior to the Sacrament date. ATTENDANCE AT ALL CLASSES AND THE RETREAT IS MANDATORY. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be received in November.