2023-2024 Covenant Agreement
1. We will attend Mass with our child/ren each week. The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith.
2. We will work with our child/ren at home on a weekly basis to complete their assignments. As responsible parents, we will make sure that our children come to class prepared and with their books.
3. We will make sure our child/ren are in attendance each week. If our child/ren are absent due to illness or a family emergency, we will notify the office (759-8554) and be responsible to complete any missed work.
4. Any child/ren who are unable to attend their regularly scheduled session may ask that arrangements be made for them to attend another session. We will notify the office in advance to request a change.
5. We will show support for the volunteer teachers.
6. We are aware that there are parent meetings throughout the year that we are asked to attend. These dates will be listed on the calendar.
7. We are aware that classes begin:
Grades K – 10 – September 17
Confirmation – September 17 – 7 weeks in the fall
8. We are aware that the class time is 8:55am - 9:55am for Grades K- 10. Grade 11 - Confirmation - class time is from 11:00am - 12:00pm. We understand that our child/ren need to be to class at least five minutes before class starts.
We understand that if our child/ren is in Grades 9 & 10, he or she must complete Parish Service for Confirmation. Grade 9 must complete 6 hours for the year. Grade 10 must complete 4 hours for the year; a total of 10 hours for both years.