Altar & Rosary Society

Updated 1.10.2025

The Altar & Rosary Society consists of Catholic women who wish to enrich the spiritual dimension of their lives, embracing the faith community of Our Lady of Peace Parish.  The spirituality of our members is encouraged, with a focus on the common bond that is shared in our journey of faith.  Monthly meetings consist of programs to expand religious and intellectual knowledge.  Also, we hope to serve as role models for the young women of the parish. 


Altar and Rosary will host a soup night after the 4:30PM Mass on Feb. 15th.


March 10th at 6:30PM Bruce Kloc will lead Stations of the Cross

Coffee hour to follow. All invited from family of parishes.



Church Cleaning on Saturday, April 5 to prepare for Easter


May 12 at 6PM

Pizza, movie and sundae night. 

Rosary each Saturday in May.


Date tbd


All women of the parish are welcome.